Best Practice Principles
The International Social Games Association (ISGA) is a global non-profit trade association established to develop and communicate best global practices in social gaming in consultation with public policy makers and regulators around the world. Since 2013, we have developed Best Practice Principles based upon core values of consumer protection, accountability and transparency, aiming to shape a consistent and complementary global framework for the social games industry.
We are proud to be taking the lead in promoting responsible standards for the sector – and we are committed to continued review as research and understanding develop. As a result, in 2024 following review and collaboration, the ISGA's Best Practice Principles will now be known as the Mobile Games Best Practice Principles (MGBPPs).
The new principles are founded in existing law, regulatory guidance, self-regulation, industry best practice and platform policies. The aim is to provide a simplified and comprehensive set of guidance that provides flexibility in application, as well as to accommodate future policy changes.

When drafting the MGBPPs we have strived to make each principle and it's corresponding requirements and guidance:
RELEVANT – addressing the needs of industry and our stakeholders
UNDERSTANDABLE – easy to read and follow with little ‘legalese’
MEANINGFUL – not just aspirations but have real purpose and value
FLEXIBLE – giving companies the opportunity to implement in their way
IMPLEMENTABLE – tangible principles and guidance
MEASURABLE – ability for companies to implement and to measure
Nick Stringer gives a brief introduction to the MGBPPs and explains their foundations.

Here is a helpful summary video of each of the 13 MGBPPs, so you can quickly understand their basics.