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ISGA Research: Global Demographics Report 2018
The ISGA’s research programme ensures that we understand how social games are played and the impact they have on players, allows us to revise and update our Best Practice Principles, and provides a solid basis for constructive dialogue with key stakeholders.
International Social Games Association Global Demographics Report 2018
Video games specialist, Dr Rachel Kowert, led a demographics research project based on over a million data points from a selection of ISGA members’ social casino games.
The report’s findings include:
0.22% of players are under 18
0.008% of all players are under 18 and spend money in games
The proportion of male to female players is relatively equal at 50.79% and 49.21% respectively
The infographic and report offer detailed continent and country level analysis, which you can download:
The visual report with infographics
The full report
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